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13 easy ways to accessorise your bathroom

13 easy ways to accessorise your bathroom

Posted by Nicky Kingston in Inspiration | 6 years ago 7 min read

As an experienced interior designer, I know that the most exciting part of creating your new bathroom isn’t buying the suite or furniture—it’s adding all those fabulous accessories that turn it into a unique and highly personal space.

With a little imagination and some friendly advice, it’s actually quite easy to achieve the bathroom you’ve always dreamed of, using simple bathroom accessories to create a theme that reflects your own personal tastes.

To help you on your way, I’ve pulled together this step-by-step guide to accessorising your bathroom, with a number of dos and don’ts when it comes to choosing the right accessories for your bathroom.

Follow these tips and you won’t go far wrong!

Nicky - Inspiring you

Choosing a theme for your bathroom

The first thing you’ll need to do, before you can even start accessorising, is to choose a theme. But where should you begin?

Find inspiration

Inspiration can come from just about anywhere: A friend’s bathroom, a hotel you stayed in, or even a home interior from your favourite TV show. However, if you are struggling for ideas, help is at hand.

Of course, the first place I’d recommend is the bathroom ideas section, where you’ll find all our very latest “get the look” style guides, inspirational image galleries, mood boards and more. What makes our site the ideal place to start, is that we’ll also show you exactly which products to use, so you can start shopping immediately.

Calming Coastal

Find a theme for your bathroom at, like the Calming Coastal look (pictured above).

Pinterest is another great online platform, beloved by interior designers, where you can start to build up boards of inspirational imagery. As well as the Pinterest page, we’d also recommend looking at Houzz, where you’ll find loads of great interior images.

Magazines are also a great starting point, especially if you’re not massively into sitting at a computer for long periods. House Beautiful, Good Homes and Ideal Home are just 3 publications I use to pick up interior design tips.

Know your style

Once you have you have collected all the inspiration imagery you need, try to get to know your style. Do all the images have similar attributes? Do similar types of products and accessories feature in each one? Once you learn to understand your style you can do further research.

Evaluate your space

The size of your bathroom will dictate how much you can add in terms of bathroom accessories. If it’s just a small cloakroom you’re accessorising, you will have to be much more selective than if, for example, you are buying for a large master bathroom.

Once you have taken all this into account, you are ready to start accessorising your bathroom.

Scented candles, flowers, soaps and lotions

Scented candles, flowers, soaps and lotions, can all make for a wonderfully fragrant bathroom.

A step-by-step guide to accessorising your bathroom

Whether you’re starting from scratch, with a brand new bathroom design, or simply revitalising a tired and unloved old space that has lost its sparkle, follow these simple steps to add your bathroom accessories.


Don’t keep lots of empty or near-empty bottles on show. Either hide them or stick to having only smallest number possible on display.

2.Keep it concealed

Get hidden storage for all those everyday objects you’d rather not see. If you have young children, this can prove ideal for all those bath time toys, so you can quickly and easily turn your bathroom back into your own space.

3. Only the essentials

Choose essential decorative pieces. When accessorising, it’s very easy to overcomplicate and take it a step too far. Gather a few essential pieces you really like that suite your theme and display them.

Be sparing with your accessories

Pick accessories that fit with your theme, but be sparing with the amount you use. Don’t go overboard.

4. A soft touch

Invest in some pretty and high-quality towels. If you wish, fold them neatly so they act as soft decorative touch.

5. Add fragrance

Make the room smell lovely. Reed diffusers and candles not only smell nice but they can look great. Think about their design and how they can work with your scheme.

6. Be single-minded

Pick a scheme and stick to it. It’s very easy to find a range of nice accessories which look great on their own but when combined they can look messy.

7. The power of 3

Ever heard of “the rule of 3”? It’s a tried and trusted interior design technique. When choosing accessories think about a cluster of 3. Different shapes and sizes work well and complement each other. Try it!

The rule of 3

As you can see, by clustering accessories into groups of 3, they look a lot more harmonious.

8. Green fingers

Don’t forget about plants. They thrive in the bathroom atmosphere and give a homely touch.

9. Let there be light

Light is a great way to add vibrancy to your bathroom but also to make your bathroom feel bigger and gives you the option to change the setting.

10. Pause for reflection

If you have a more compact bathroom try adding a big mirror in there, not only will it reflect precious light but it also gives the impression of a bigger space.

11. Contrasting colours

Don’t match your towels and shower curtains to the walls. If you have subtle hints of colour on your wall this is fine but never make them blend into the background and prevent the room looking flat.

12. Don’t mix metals

Stick to one metal finish, like chrome or brushed nickel. Don’t mix and match.

13. Protect pictures

When adding prints or pictures to your walls, avoid placing them in or near to splash zones, where they could get easily damaged by water.

The definitive list of Do’s and Don’ts when accessorising your bathroom

I’ve picked up many great interior design tips over the years. To help you style your bathroom and create a unique look and feel, I’ve put together this handy list of dos and don’ts, so you can do it right, whilst avoiding those common traps and pitfalls many budding designers fall into.

The Do’s

  • Do hide away cleaning products. Your bathroom is a place to unwind and what better way than in a clutter-free bathroom.
  • Do consider your privacy when choosing blinds and curtains. Choose something that is easy to use if you don’t have privacy window glass.
  • Do consider ways to warm up your bathroom, with rich woods and natural textures, especially for those colder months.
  • Do add plants to your bathroom. The humid atmosphere means plants will thrive, bringing a sense of cleanliness to the air and a touch of the outdoors indoors.

Add plants to your bathroom

By adding plant life that thrives in a damp and humid atmosphere, you’ll not only improve your air quality, but also capture one of the latest interior design trends: greenery.

  • Do splash out on good quality towels with a high thread count. They will make your space look warmer and more luxurious.
  • Do look into functional mood lighting, for when you want to enjoy an extra relaxing bath.
  • Do consider the rule of 3 when choosing accessories. Different shapes and sizes work particularly well together.
  • Do start with the larger pieces first, before adding the fun things, like smaller accessories.

The Don’ts

  • Don’t skimp on storage. If you don’t have the cupboard space, consider baskets to conceal your toiletries.
  • Don’t be afraid to use bold and dark colours when redecorating your bathroom. With adequate lighting your space can look rich and luxurious.

Don't be afraid to use bold or dark colours

Bold, accent colours like blush pink or black, can be used to great effect, especially when accessorising your bathroom.

  • Don’t match absolutely everything in your bathroom. It needs personality and matching is an easy trap to fall into, leaving your bathroom looking dull and flat.
  • Don’t forget about candles, especially if they come in a lovely vase of tin. It’s a great way to add colour, scent and decorative personality.
  • Don’t leave your grout looking mouldy. Get an old toothbrush and clean with a mixture of vinegar, baking soda and water.
  • Don’t drape towels on radiators or over the bath. Use hooks or rails to make the space look neater.
  • Don’t leave half-empty bottles of hand wash next to the basin. Consider an easy-to-use and stylish pump bottle that you can use time and time again, meaning branded labels won’t interfere with your bathroom design.
  • Don’t forget about textures and the importance of layering to make sure your space doesn’t look flat and two dimensional. Layer towels and incorporate textures into your accessories.

Start accessorising your bathroom today

With great deals on bathroom accessories at Victoria Plum, there’s no better time to get started. Choose the perfect finishing touches to your décor by clicking below.

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Author, Nicky Kingston

Posted by Nicky Kingston in Inspiration | 6 years ago

Nicky is our resident Stylist and loves bringing new and exciting bathroom trends to life. Nicky’s passion for design led to a 1st class degree in Surface Design & Textiles, before earning a reputation as a home stylist in London.

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