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Planning a wetroom
Room planning

Planning a wetroom

Posted by Adam Chard in Room planning | 5 years ago 3 min read

If you're thinking of transforming your old bathroom into a fabulous new wetroom, planning is key.

It may seem quite a complex and daunting prospect, but it can actually be relatively straightforward. In this article, we'll take you through all the major things you'll need to consider, with a handy video which shows just how simple wet room installation can be.

A wet room which is well planned out and professionally installed will look absolutely stunning, reflecting your own personal taste and style. Wet rooms are also ideal for those with restricted mobility, like the elderly or disabled, when combined with independent living products. This wet room planning guide will help you begin your journey.

Find out how to install a wet room with our video below:

Visit our article "How to install a wet room" for full step-by-step instructions.

Why a wet room?

Having a completely watertight room with a genuine walk in shower is not only a wonderful style choice but has practical implications too. With no conventional shower tray or enclosure, getting in and out of your shower is easy.

Wet room glass screen

A wet room glass screen will add luxury that you can both see and feel

A wet room can also be as small or as large as space allows, and of course the shower itself can be fitted out in whichever style you like. A shower riser system is a perfect choice for a luxurious experience. You may also want to choose glass panels to contain your shower. Depending on the size and shape of your room you can go for a single, frameless panel or opt for a more enclosed design. The choice is yours.

To bring extra style to your wet room, choose a contemporary basin mixer tap which will provide an ultra-modern finishing touch when paired with a modern minimalist basin.

Discover 5 reasons why a wet room is a great bathroom option.

Adding value

Adding a second shower room or ensuite has long been a sure fire way to increase the value of any property and wet rooms have a particular high-value status, as they bring luxury spas and top class hotels to mind. It can be one of the most expensive rooms to achieve, but the results should be well worth the investment.

Usually, the conversion process won’t entail gaining any council permission, but in some cases where certain structural alterations or changes to drainage systems are needed, building regulations might need to be looked at.

If in any doubt, always contact your local council before having your work done.

Wet room glass panel with return panel

Portion off your room using a glass panel and return panel

Essential materials

Choosing the right materials for walls and flooring is essential to make a fully watertight, sealed environment, so always pick something suitable. You will require both wall and floor matting to achieve this.

Luckily, at, we have a comprehensive range of wet room essentials, including waterproof boards, shower trays and installation kits, along with pipe collars, joint tape and additional protection for corners.

Why not take a look at our wet room kits for yourself?

On top of your waterproof boards and tray, tiles are the most obvious option for your floor and walls but don’t for one minute think this will limit your style choices. There is a huge selection to choose from.

The variety of patterns, colours, textures and designs is vast, with different ranges of mosaics and large format tiles offering all the choice you need to make your own vision a reality. Remember to consider the size of your bathroom to avoid getting anything too large, or choosing a colour which dominates rather than complements the space.

Shop wet rooms

At, you'll discover a full and comprehensive selection of wet room products. Why not check out our fabulous range of wet rooms today?

Author, Adam Chard

Posted by Adam Chard in Room planning | 5 years ago

A born & raised West Countryman, now living on the Yorkshire Coast, for over 10 years Adam has been bringing home interior ideas to life at Victoria Plum. Adam’s favourite interior styles have been shaped by both urban and natural influences.

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