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Eco bathrooms: How you can do your bit

Eco bathrooms: How you can do your bit

Posted by Adam Chard in Inspiration | 7 years ago 5 min read

We all need to do our bit when helping to protect the environment.

From recycling to using less energy, every little thing we do adds up, giving us the ability to change the world for the better.

Even our homes are becoming smarter with smart meters showing us exactly how much energy we're using and energy saving tips making us more aware of what we can do to help.

Recycling is now commonplace throughout the UK, along with composting food waste and saving rainwater. But we can still do more. Have you considered how you could help the environment with the design of your bathroom? Welcome to the world of eco bathrooms!

Eco bathrooms contain water-saving and energy-saving features, designed to minimise the impact of our daily lives on the environment. But what elements do you find in eco bathrooms?

Water-saving toilet

The first place to save water is the toilet. Whilst the traditional toilet design may have used up to 6 litres of water per flush, today's modern designs come with dual flushes, so you can choose a short flush, which is usually around 3 litres. It's best to think of the larger flush as a last resort!

Energy close coupled toilet with soft close toilet seat

The aptly-named Energy close coupled toilet features a dual water-saving flush

Most of the toilets we sell have cistern fittings approved by the WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme). Find out more about the WRAS.

Eco shower bath

Another clever bit of thinking, our very own product designers came up with this brilliant bathtub, which can be used for showering too. An average shower uses less water than a bath, so by having a shower rather than a bath, you're already helping to do your bit.

However, if you do fancy a relaxing soak in your multi-purpose shower bath, this can mean using an excessive amount of water due to the oversized end. But with our ingenious design, the bath is shaped to resemble a straight bath, using 40 litres less than a regular shower bath.

Simply add a shower screen to the MySpace water-saving L shaped shower bath for eco-friendly bathing and showering

Handy hint: Check out our tips on saving water in your bathroom.

Electric shower

Another great way to save both water and energy is to use an electric shower. Easy to install, electric showers only draw from your cold water supply, meaning you only heat the water you wish to use. This saves on unnecessary water heating from your central heating supply and is ideal if you have a big house with multiple bathrooms. Most also come with an eco function, meaning you can run it as efficiently as possible.

Aqualisa quartz electric shower 8.5kw

For eco bathrooms, an electric shower like the Aqualisa quartz, can save water, energy and still look stylish

New showers, in general, are far more likely to help you save on both water and your heating bills, with modern technology helping to make them far more efficient.

Low energy lighting

Choose downlighters or spotlights with LED bulbs, rather than one big lighting fixture. This will help to save energy. An illuminated mirror could also be used as an alternative source of bathroom lighting.


Efficient heating is the way forward. Buy a radiator or heated towel rail with a BTU that is too high for your room and you'll literally be burning off energy unnecessarily.

Handy hint: Find out how to calculate BTU for your room.

Look for energy-efficient materials when buying radiators and towel heaters. Aluminium is fully recyclable and heats up quicker than other metals for incredibly efficient heating in your home.

Clarity bathroom towel rail 700 x 400

The Clarity heated towel rail is designed to be incredibly efficient, so you aren't literally burning cash

With some radiators and heated towel rails, you could even use a heating element, which allows you to use your bathroom heating independently to your central heating. This is perfect if you have extra bathrooms in your home which are only used rarely.

Make sure you bleed radiators, ideally around September or October, before the cold snaps hit home.

Handy hint: See our tips on getting your home ready for winter.

More tips for eco bathrooms

There's plenty of handy hints at when it comes to creating eco bathrooms that will really help you do your bit. Head over to our home advice section now.

Author, Adam Chard

Posted by Adam Chard in Inspiration | 7 years ago

A born & raised West Countryman, now living on the Yorkshire Coast, for over 10 years Adam has been bringing home interior ideas to life at Victoria Plum. Adam’s favourite interior styles have been shaped by both urban and natural influences.

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