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Officially the UK’s largest online only bathroom retailer

Sustainability at Victoria Plum

Taking care of our planet is something we all have to do, and as a responsible retailer, we’re proud to play our part. Find out more about the eco-friendly initiatives we have in place to improve our sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint.

Planting for the future

Planting for the future

We’ve teamed up with JUST ONE Tree, a non-profit initiative, to help plant trees in areas of the world badly affected by deforestation. In turn, this leads to less harmful CO2 in the atmosphere and helps to reverse the loss of biodiversity.

It’s simple, yet effective. For every £1 we pass on, 1 tree is planted.

But that’s certainly not all JUST ONE Tree do. They also provide agricultural education and sustainable incomes to local communities, not to mention shaping the minds of future generations by bringing environmental education to classrooms.

Trees of knowledge

Trees of knowledge

Did you know?

Woodlands and forests help to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, cleaning our air

A single tree can, on average, absorb 48lbs of CO2 annually

Forests can offer up to a third of the solution to our global warming crisis

Yet, we still cut down trees at an alarming rate—12.2M hectares were lost in 2020

This included an area the size of the Netherlands which was taken from primary rainforest regions

In their first 18 months, JUST ONE Tree have planted nearly 900,000 trees—that’s 1 tree every 53 seconds

We’re on board, how about you?

We’re on board, how about you?

For less than the cost of a coffee, you can help do your bit. Donate £1 to JUST ONE Tree and they’ll plant yet another tree.

Celebrating a birthday or wedding? Why not ask for fewer presents and more trees? Get your friends and family to donate on your behalf. Or why not set up a regular donation?

Click here to donate

Eco-Delivery at Victoria Plum


We’re always looking at clever ways we can reduce the impact of our transportation on the environment. From cleaner, more efficient vehicles to better routing, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint when out on the road.

One initiative we’ve come up with is Eco-Delivery. What’s this? Well, it’s really quite simple. If we already have a team delivering in your area, we’ll suggest a specific date to you. This will be clearly indicated with “Eco-Delivery” when you go to check out.

If you choose this date, our delivery team can complete a much shorter and more efficient journey, which helps reduce our overall impact on air quality and the environment. A win-win for everyone.

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Choose eco bathrooms

Choose eco bathrooms

We’ve made it even easier to do your bit for the planet, when it comes to picking products for your bathroom. By buying from our eco bathrooms range, we’ll help you save both water and energy.

With clever features such as dual flushes, flow restrictors and digital controls, our eco bathroom products can be easily identified by the green droplet icon (below).

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