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Shower enclosures: A guide to getting it right

Shower enclosures: A guide to getting it right

Posted by Adam Chard in Inspiration | 8 years ago 2 min read

If you're thinking about installing a new shower enclosure, you'll need to make a few practical estimates before you can start choosing the style that'll suit you best.

Think about your usage

Firstly, think about how many people will use your shower and also how often. Are you adding to the family any time soon? Will it be used by elderly relatives? Thinking about this will determine ease of access, where your shower door opens and how your enclosure will fit into your overall bathroom space. A walk in shower is often useful and stylish as it doesn't require any extra room for door clearance.

In addition, think about your daily usage. Are you looking to quickly hop in and out each morning or is it a luxury shower reserved for evening relaxation? This will affect the size of the shower you choose and where you decide to place it.

Your shower tray

Once you've made your estimates, it's time to look at shower trays. There are four basic tray styles: pentagonal, quadrant, square and rectangular.

A pentagonal or quadrant shaped tray will be the compact choice, so if you need something practical that saves on your bathroom floor space, then these will sit nicely out of the way. A quadrant tray will give you just a little extra room by having a rounded edge but the difference between an angular edge and an elegant curve can make a big difference aesthetically, so think about which you'd prefer.

Luxury 8mm frameless pentagonal shower enclosure

A pentagonal enclosure is both space-saving and stylish

If you're fitting a wet room or just want a more luxurious and roomy enclosure, square and rectangle trays offer the larger space required. They also have the benefit of being more versatile as a square shower can look great even in the centre of the room.

Shower doors

Don't settle on a tray design without thinking about doors. With a pentagonal tray, you'll usually be limited to a hinged door but the other tray designs can fit swinging, bifold (that fold inwards) or sliding doors. Always ensure that your doors come complete with high quality shower door seal strips for added protection from splashes.

Clarity 4mm bifold shower enclosure

An enclosure with a bifold door is perfect for tight spots

You should take into account how you need your shower door to open. Space constraints could require something that will fold or slide neatly out of the way, in which case a different tray may need to be selected.

Put it all together

Once you've made your choice, measure your bathroom and mark out the area the shower will take up. Spend some time getting used to this space being out-of-bounds—it'll probably seem bigger than you thought at first.

Once you're happy with your decisions, you can then choose the glass, material and colour of your enclosure to suit you and your bathroom.

Shop shower enclosures

Discover a wide range of stylish shower enclosures, from compact cubicles to wonderful walk ins, all at affordable prices, right here at Victoria Plum.

Author, Adam Chard

Posted by Adam Chard in Inspiration | 8 years ago

A born & raised West Countryman, now living on the Yorkshire Coast, for over 10 years Adam has been bringing home interior ideas to life at Victoria Plum. Adam’s favourite interior styles have been shaped by both urban and natural influences.

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